And that means my legal obligation is to start the new year by posting about the importance of fresh starts and behaviour change.
So here I am!

The focus for this 2025 series of posts (this is 1/40) is going to be my concept of High Performance Routines.
And the first stage of a High performance Routine is Preparation.
In order to prepare properly, we need to get clear on priorities, objectives and goals.
After all, you can’t hit a target with your eyes closed…🎯
There are various ways to do this but here are 3 great ideas from others:
- I love the work of Gretchen Rubin, who has loads of interesting yearly planning tools
- I personally completed this YearCompass Movement planning tool which includes reflections on 2024 as well as plans for 2025
- Finally here is a very nice Annual Review by Farnam Street and reMarkable
Even if you don’t use these templates, take some time this week to think about where you want to be in December 2025.
Write it down!
Or bonus accountability move: why not share some of your priorities and goals for this year?
Sharing will help inspire others, plus it will make your commitment public so it’s far more likely to happen. Some of mine are in the LinkedIn comments here!
p.s. please also share this post if you know anyone who wants to join in this year-long project to adopt more powerful, human, sustainable routines.