What’s the biggest difference between elite performers in sport and in business?

I would say their attitude to recovery.

But the second biggest difference?

I would say, the emphasis on mental preparation.

The problem is that without preparation our attention tends to be scattered. It can be hard to discern what really matters. Our days are done to us.

Here are 3 ideas that can help:

Find your island of calm. 🏝️
Even 5 minutes to start the day on your terms and with a sense of control.

Make the link. 🔗
Make a connection to a goal, milestone or something you want to achieve. This will boost motivation and purpose . And if you can’t link to a goal, link to a value – *how* you want to show up.

Use tech intentionally. 📴
Tech should be used only in the service of your goals. The Digital Minimalism philosophy is the way to go here.

Remember if you don’t choose your actions intentionally, something else will. Most likely an algorithm.

And the algorithm doesn’t care about you, your goals, or your one brief appearance on earth.

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