Preparation Athlete Quotes
What’s the biggest difference between elite performers in sport and in business?
What’s the biggest difference between elite performers in sport and in business?
In 2012 the Nebraska Tourist Board came up with a slogan (h/t Gretchen Rubin) to promote the state:
“Nebraska: Honestly, it’s not for everyone”
“So how do you lift weights THAT heavy?!”
I asked incredulously to the coach of the weightlifting team I was working with, prior to the Tokyo Olympics.
When we’re busy and stressed out, it’s tough to know where to start in terms of resetting our routine.
So we’re usually looking to find some small leverage point which can have a big overall effect.
But how?
Kaavan the elephant was the star attraction of his zoo, in part because of his tendency to rock back and forth in his pen, which people used to think was dancing….
Stress isn’t new – and anyone who thinks it is has clearly never been chased around their garden by a velociraptor.
Functional MRI scans show that mindfulness meditation increases activity in brain regions associated with attention and emotional control, such as the prefrontal cortex.
Simultaneously, it decreases activity in areas linked to stress and anxiety, like the amygdala.
Going to bed early and rising early is associated with better mental health than going to bed late and rising late.
Home-to-work transition helps to fuel employees’ level of engagement and
contribute to the productivity of their workday.