Sleep regularity is a stronger predictor of mortality risk than sleep duration: A prospective cohort study
Sleep regularity, the day-to-day consistency of sleep–wake timing, can be a stronger predictor for some health outcomes than sleep duration.
Sleep regularity, the day-to-day consistency of sleep–wake timing, can be a stronger predictor for some health outcomes than sleep duration.
Travel can cause misalignment of internal rhythms, resulting in lower performance, reduced cognition, poor memory storage, and poor emotional regulation.
An entrepreneur’s physical & mental health, along with the physical & mental health of their spouse, impacts the chance of startup success.
Reduced daytime light exposure was associated with increased sleep-wake fragmentation. Afternoon light therapy might be more efficient in consolidating sleep and wake in older adults.
High strain exercise / sports late at night interrupts sleep.
Is the afternoon the best time to exercise?
This large study has 2 important findings:
LED lights have potential drawbacks on human health, particularly sleep quality, mood, productivity and long-term health effects.
Sleep quality predicts day-level vigour. And: The benefits of good sleep quality decrease over the course of the day, particularly when workload is high
Sleeping between learning sessions reduces the amount of practice needed by 50%, and ensures better long-term retention.
Improving circadian rhythm may help with recovery from tendon injury