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The High Performance Routines Research Library
Welcome to the HPR research library, where we are in the process of compiling peer-reviewed research studies and articles supporting each phase of our High Performance Routine.
Select one of the stages below to find relevant research papers, articles and tips.

Warming up, or ‘priming’ your brain for as little as 5 minutes before a task shows immediate performance...

Research states that social media usage negatively affects task performance and negatively affects h...

Spending as little as 10 minutes in a green or nature-filled setting reduced the effects of physical...

Planning tends to up the chance of business success by between 10% and 20%.
Plans help generate agreement,...

Studies consistently show that multitasking is inefficient.
Shifting between tasks can cost you up to...

A University of California study found that after each interruption it takes over 23 minutes to refo...

Chronic multitaskers perform worse on core multitasking skills: memory management, cognitive filtering...

What they found: In this study, researchers compared sleep versus easy aerobic activity (Think: an easy...

Is there an optimum time to eat dinner to reduce the risk for Type 2 Diabetes? This study on 7000+ adults...

In addition to making you more alert during the day, improving your mood and sleep, the blue in bright...

Brief morning light exposure preceding a day shift is effective in improving performance during the day,...

Multitasking is associated with higher blood pressure, more anxiety and can lower your mood by as much...
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